Pixora Marketing GmbH shall provide the services exclusively on the basis of the following General Terms and Conditions of Business (GTC).
All prices are exclusive of VAT. Prices are subject to change at any time. Insurance of the rented equipment is not included in the price. The insurance is the responsibility of the renter.
The invoice shall be paid without deductions within 30 days of the invoice date. After expiry of the payment deadline, interest on arrears in the amount of 5 % is due. In addition, an administration fee of CHF 50.- shall be charged per reminder. Pixora Marketing GmbH reserves the right to assign open claims to a collection agency or to commission a collection agency with the collection of the claim. Correspondingly additionally incurred costs shall be passed on to the customer. Pixora Marketing GmbH reserves the right to demand a deposit/pre-payment for larger orders and/or to carry out a credit check.
In the event of cancellation by the customer in the period between the definitive booking (this can be made by telephone or in writing) and 60 days before the event, the customer can withdraw from the contract against payment of an order compensation in the amount of CHF 200 (administrative expenses, consulting, etc.). Any costs already incurred at this time (ordering of materials, graphic work, etc.) will be charged at 100%. An hourly rate of CHF 100 per hour (for graphic work CHF 160 per hour) will be applied.
Cancellations that occur later will be handled as follows:
- 59 to 30 days before the event: 30 % of the total amount
- 29 to 14 days before the event: 50 % of the total amount
- Less than 14 days before the event: 75% of the total amount
Pixora Marketing GmbH shall be liable for damages of any kind only if intent and gross negligence can be proven. Should the customer discover defects/malfunctions, he shall be obliged to report them immediately. Defects/malfunctions reported after the fact shall not be accepted.
The material will be tested and checked by Pixora Marketing GmbH after return. Any defects which are not caused by normal use will be charged to the customer.
Pixora Marketing GmbH shall ensure that the equipment provided is ready for use for at least 80% of the agreed period of use.
In the event of a failure during the rental period due to gross negligence on the part of Pixora Marketing GmbH, whereupon the services cannot be provided as agreed, the customer shall be granted a proportional reduction of the total amount.
The customer accepts that the necessary personal data for the processing of the order will be stored on data carriers. By accepting the offer or placing the order, he agrees to the collection, processing and use of his personal data. The customer is entitled to delete the data as well as to revoke the consent at any time, provided that the agreed services have been completed.
The customer will be provided with all photos/videos/GIFs created in electronic form after the event (if requested). The customer himself is responsible for the data protection-compliant backup of this data. After 6 (six) months Pixora Marketing GmbH reserves the right to delete all data.
For all files transferred to Pixora Marketing GmbH (image, sound, etc.), it is the customer's responsibility to ensure that he has all rights of use which are necessary for the execution of the event.
Pixora Marketing GmbH is considered the author of all recordings made within the scope of the rental. These are protected by copyright. The customer shall be granted a right of use for the publication of the recordings. The passing on of the right of use shall require the consent of Pixora Marketing GmbH. Pixora Marketing GmbH may demand to be named as the author of the recordings. In this case, the note "©Pixora.ch" shall be added under the photos.
Pixora Marketing GmbH shall be entitled to list the contractual partner as a reference customer (incl. company logo) after the event has been carried out and to use it for advertising purposes.
If certain provisions from these general terms and conditions become invalid, all other contractual conditions remain valid.
In principle, Swiss law applies. The court in Zurich is responsible for legal actions. If the customer is domiciled abroad, Zurich shall also be the place of jurisdiction.
Zurich, March 2022