After months of development, various tests and a lot of passion, the first TWINNERs were handed over to the first 100 proud owners at the end of March 2024. This should be celebrated in style, which was achieved perfectly. Customers were thanked for their trust and support during a successful event with a balanced supporting program. A photo box was also a must. This is how we perfectly staged the new TWINNER.
The focus was on the new TWINNER - an all-rounder and definitely a supplement, if not an alternative, to other means of transportation such as cars, motorcycles, buses or even trains. At the photo station, there was to be the opportunity to have yourself photographed with the TWINNER in various scenes. We provided a green screen setting for this, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. As the lighting conditions on site could vary and the event lasted from the afternoon until late in the evening, we opted for a combined solution. The image processing was handled by our AI software, which recognizes the people in the photos and replaces the rest with the predefined background image. Thanks to the green setting, we were able to ensure that the image processing was always of the same quality, even in changing lighting conditions. The photos could be printed out directly on site, whereby the focus was clearly on the digital photos. Guests were able to download these directly to their cell phones via QR code sharing at the sharing station and immediately share them with their friends or post them on social media. There are still so many exciting things possible with AI technology - look forward to more news!